
Connecting to a server

You can use a web browser or one of the many client applications to connect to a Rocket.Chat server.

Using a web browser

To connect to a Rocket.Chat server through a web browser you need to enter the desired server address in the browser’s address bar.

If it is a valid Rocket.Chat server address you will then be presented with the registration and login page if unauthenticated or taken to the server’s homepage if authenticated.

Using the Desktop application

To connect to a Rocket.Chat server using a client application you first need to download the application for your operating system.

After installing and starting the application. If this is the first server you are connecting to with the desktop app you will be presented with the server connect screen. Enter the server address you want to connect to.

If it is a valid Rocket.Chat server address you will then be presented with the registration and login page.

Connecting to more than one server

If you are using a Rocket.Chat desktop application you can connect to multiple Rocket.Chat servers.

To add a new server, click the plus icon below the server list left sidebar and follow the instructions to connect to a Rocket.Chat server using a Rocket.Chat client application.

Using a Mobile app